歡迎參加,中興大學與金屬中心 113年度雙邊合作研究成果發表會暨114年合作計畫徵件說明會
12/18 (三)【能源奈米論壇】- Prof. Alexander Revzin (Department of Biomedical Engineering Physiology,Mayo Clinic), Microsystems for Cultivation Analysis of Cells
11/26(二)【能源奈米論壇】-Prof. K. M. Nalin de Silva (Senior Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka Adjunct Professor, SLINTEC Academy, Sri Lanka) Prof. W. Rohini M. de Silva(Depa
10/31(四)【能源奈米論壇】-Prof. Itaru Osaka (Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Institute of Materials Science, Tsukuba University,Japan)- Design synthesis of π-conjugated polymers for high-pe
半導體通識講座- 與我們息息相關的半導體 Semiconductor in Our Life
03/03(一) Global Top 100 and Elite Forum: Prof. Fariborz Taghipour
02/18 (二) Global Top 100 and Elite Forum: Prof. JMIROSLAV ČERNÍK & Asst. Prof. Pavla. Svermova
10/25(五)【能源奈米論壇】-Dr. Tomoya Higashihara (Department of Organic Materials Science, Graduate School of Organic Materials Science, Yamagata University)- Synthesis Deformable Hierarchical Nanostructure of
04/16 (二)【能源奈米論壇】-Prof. Al-Jamal, Khuloud - Rationale Design of Nanocarriers for Brain Cancer Targeting,歡迎參加
03/26 (二)【能源奈米論壇】-Dr. Justin Shaw, NIST, USA - Broadband Ferromagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: The