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11/15 (二)【奈米論壇】-法國Université Paris Sud 固態物理實驗室李小燕博士-STEM Microstructure Analysis of Oxide Thin Films Interfaces,歡迎參加。


時間:1051115() 12:00~13:00


演講者:法國Université Paris Sud 固態物理實驗室 李小燕博士

講題:STEM Microstructure Analysis of Oxide Thin Films and Interfaces



Over the past decades, nanoscience and nanotechnology have become one of the prominent research domains in physics, not only because of the innovative concepts and properties, but also for their potential for many important applications and commercial developments. The ability to grown oxide thin films with a precision down to atomic scale boosts various novel physical states and functionalities, such as superconductivity, 2D-electron-gas(2DEG), giant magnetoresistance. These properties are governed by local structural and electronic configurations, consequently, it is essential to image, analysis, and understand these objects at the atomic level, i.e. to determine the structural arrangement, the identity of the atoms and their environment, the electronic charge distribution around individual atoms and between them, their bonding and their response to various external stimuli. Among different characterization tools, scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) including its most recent technical developments, have demonstrated their ability to meet these basic requirements. In my talk, I will focus on the new avenues in joint imaging (HAADF, MAADF, ABF) and spectroscopic (EELS) capabilities at the atomic-level offered by the state-of-art aberration-corrected STEM, together with a few selected examples (theromchromic, magnetoresistance, multiferroics), most of them acquired in our laboratory with a Nion UltraSTEM microscope.